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STOP!! WTF are you putting on your face?!?!?!

I recently did an intolerance test to see what is triggering my allergies. It turns out, I have many! When I started to deep dive and research what some of these long name meant, I was horrified to find out what what they meant... no wonder my body doesn't like that stuff.... ammonia, formaldehyde, fragrances.

There were endocrine disruptors, skin irritants, neurotoxins.... all things commonly used in food, skin care and cleaning products.

This was a wake up call.

No wonder I had so many allergy issues.. eczema, asthma, dandruff (sexy, right??).

Even both my dogs are suffering from allergies and itchy skin (this was what drew the final straw ... the dogs lol.. it's all about the fur babies)

This was the information I needed to really get motivated to overhaul my environment.

So I went for it!

I changed it all! Soaps, shampoo, conditioner, laundry detergent, spray cleaner.. even my air freshener!

I got rid of the irritants... fragrances, lotions, make up and skin care products, even my beloved shampoo and oh so many cleaning products.

To replace everything, I decided to give Modere's Clean Living product line a try. I went with them for these reasons...

  • ALL the products are non toxic - pet and baby safe

  • All the products are biodegradable and grey water safe * Trailer life approved!! I can use even use my dirty water to water my plants!

  • NEVER tested on animals

  • Made in a completely green powered manufacturing facility

  • They work well and smell great

After just a few months of these changes... my skin allergies have cleared up and I can't remember the last time I touched my inhaler (Spartan races included!). And for the first time in years, no dandruff!!

The BEST part... I am so excited not to spend this summer in pants because of ugly patches on my legs!! Shorts here I come!!

Here is an inside #protip

When I order all my products together with my #liquidgold BioCell HA Matrix, I save 30% off my entire order and get free shipping. I can get you the same deal! I can even get an extra $10 for new customers.

In fact...

I love these products so much that I am going to do something crazy.

GIVE A WAY TIME!!!! Check out my favorite clean living products below and leave a comment below the blog about which products you want to try the most. I will pick ONE lucky winner PER PRODUCT!! Winner will be announced Friday on Facebook and contacted via email. No purchase necessary to enter. This is such a great opportunity to try a really great product for free!!

Here are my absolute favorite clean living products:

DON'T FORGET to comment below on which product you can't wait to try to enter to win. I will pick 1 lucky winner per product THIS Friday!!

Thank you for reading.

Take care of yourself,


Coach Tay Tay

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