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How to Track Your Water for the 75 Hard Challenge

Easy tips to eliminate all #excuses and keep track of your daily water intake with ease for the full 75 days.

Getting in a full gallon of water daily is no easy task.

Yes, I was chugging water a midnight several nights of the challenge.

Yes, I had to pee a lot.

Yes, I still drank coffee and tea too.

I do have to admit, after 75 days of doing this.... it’s totally worth it!

The benefits....

  • My skin has never looked better

  • I have lost a lot of weight

  • I am thinking clearer and sleeping better

  • It's hard to be hungry when your stomach is full of water

All good things in my book!

I did have a few struggles along the way....

When traveling, it was really hard to get all the water down. Not because I couldn't drink it but because I was afraid I would pee my pants (which totally happened a couple times, if we are being honest)..

Airplanes, airports, long car rides, all mean it's harder to get the bathroom.

#ProTip: I found a few go to parks, empty parking lots and port-a-potties I could use in case of a bathroom emergency. This came in handy so many times. I also had an extra pair of pants, a towel for my car seat and a maxi pad.... just in case. It's no fun to talk about... but, trust me, you'll be thanking me soon enough.

Feel free to reach out for more info on this. I have several more ideas if you need extra help.

Measuring your Water

After several trial-and-error situations, I have come up with a few easy ways to keep track of your water during the challenge.

I am going to help you get started off strong and share what I have learned so far...

At Home/Office all day

The Gallon Method (my most preferred method)

This method is easiest for those that primarily function out of one place. If you travel or are on the go all day, this method is not the best. Otherwise, I find it by the far the easiest.

Need: 1 gallon jug, 1 travel bottle, 1 drinking cup

Start each day with the gallon jug full. Pour all water for the day directly from the gallon and use the same travel cup, making sure to finish it at the end of each day.

Always on the Go

Step 1: Get a large bottle with measurements on the bottle.

Measure all your water before you drink it, use it to make coffee, mix it in your GO Energy Drink Mix. I say large because it is a total pain to refill your bottle all day long.

Protip: you may also use single use plastic bottles however, for the sake of

Mother Earth, I would highly recommend you consider a refillable one :)

Step 2: Keep track of how many times you refill the bottle.

  • Make a Note in your phone

    • Use the notes app to make a note called "Daily Water" and record how many ounces you drink each time you fill up your bottle. Then drink until it's completely empty before refilling to stay accurate.

  • My Fitness Pal

    • This is a great free app that allows you to log your daily water easily and electronically. Always log in when you fill up the bottle and drink it until it's empty.

  • The Rubber Band Method

    • If you have a 32oz bottle, you will have to fill and drink it four times per day to reach a gallon. Get for rubber bands and put them on the top of your bottle. As you refill the bottle, move a rubber band up to the top of the bottle. Do this each time until all the rubber bands are on the top of the bottle.

If you have another idea, please do share!

Also, having a fun water bottle makes drinking water so much easier. I love my stainless-steel custom cups from @KyssCreations. Not only do they keep my ice frozen all day long and my tea hot for hours, but I also love drinking from a straw! It just makes me drink more... can't explain why, just how I am.

Here are a few more I have used and approved:

For more help and support on your #Gallonperday challenge, contact me on social

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